Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blanket Progress and Flowers!

Ah... It is a super nice day outside today. But I have re-injured an old injury in my foot and am wearing my walking boot again. It seems to help my foot feel better. So I have been reading and crocheting a lot.

My star stitch blanket is getting bigger. I am really liking it. Yay!! It is the first big project and the first blanket that I have made.

Pictures of my blanket progress:

And some pretty flowers: Water Lilly and Clematis

Hope everyone is having a sunshiney day!!

As Always,


  1. Any excuse for reading and crocheting! Your blanket looks gorgeous. Hope your foot gets better soon xxx

  2. Your blanket sure is coming along nicely, it looks great. Such pretty photo's of your flowers as well. I hope your foot gets better..
    Magie x

  3. So sorry to hear about your poor foot hon - I hope it feels better soon :-( Your crochet looks gorgeous though. I am still too shy to show mine on my seems to be taking me an age to compile my granny squares into anything useful, ha ha! Have a great weekend. Becks xxx

  4. Blanket is looking great. I have a clematis that colour, only two blooms at the moment.
    Hope you are having a lovely weekend and your foot soon improves.
    Carol xx

  5. Just found your lovely blog, I love your blanket it's going to be beautiful, I hope your foot improves soon, have a lovely weekend :)

  6. Hope you foot starts feeling better. At least it's not your mine..I have trouble with it all the time and for someone who likes to crochet every day..drives me nuts! Your blanket is coming out very nice... great job!!!!

  7. Hey Katy, that is one gorgeous Clematis. Have never grown one, but always admired them and the Water Lily is spectacular.

    The blanket is coming along nicely. Sorry to read about your foot, hope it gets better ASAP.....

    Have a great week,

    CLaire :}


Hello! Thanks for stopping by. Have a lovely day. :)